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RULLES for English Language Users
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Membru cu statut special
Membru cu statut special
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Membru din: Mie Apr 05, 2006 9:45 am
Mesaje: 906
Localitate: Arad, Romania
Anul naşterii: 31 Aug 1976
Răspuns cu citat

1.)Don't create double accounts! You are in danger of being banned.

2.)Forum Spam is not allowed! Any spamm mesages will be deleted and IP / e-mail adress may be banned.

3.)Upload of warez, serials, cracks, etc. are not allowed in any place of forums or portal!


* No aggressive language or behaviour in the forums.

* No trashing of other peoples topics (i.e. SPAM). Only answer once then whait for answer or notice the topic author via P.M.

* No language other than Romanian and English in this foraign forum. Note that main forums language is Romanian! You can post mixed language messages here descibing in English what language was used, dont use for this the Romanian only forums.

* No posting of serials, CD keys, passwords or cracks in the forums.

* Please ensure all messages, questions and answers are posted in the correct section!

*Please read the FAQ before asking any questions!

Be Blessed :amen:

Dar, dacă va face cineva să păcătuiască pe unul din aceşti micuţi, care cred în Mine, ar fi mai bine pentru el să i se lege de gât o piatră mare de moară şi să fie aruncat în mare. (Marcu 9:42)

Mie Feb 08, 2012 9:48 am
Membru Special
Membru Special

Membru din: Joi Apr 13, 2006 10:09 pm
Mesaje: 503
Anul naşterii: 11 Noi 1969
Răspuns cu citat

Dumnezeu este iubire.

Vin Aug 02, 2013 12:23 pm
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